
Eran Katzir, Yochelis, Shira , Zeides, Felix , Katz, Nadav , Behrens, Silke , Kalcheim, Yoav , Millo, Oded , and Paltiel, Yossi . 2014. Increasing The Critical Temperature Of Nb Films By Chemically Linking Magnetic Nanoparticles Using Organic Molecules. Epl, 108, Pp. 37006. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/108/37006.
David Shwa and Katz, Nadav . 2014. Transient Coherence Of Media Under Strong Phase Modulation Exploiting Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. Physical Review A, 90, Pp. 023858. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.90.023858.
Yoni Shalibo, Resh, Roy , Fogel, Ofer , Shwa, David , Bialczak, Radoslaw , Martinis, John M, and Katz, Nadav . 2013. Direct Wigner Tomography Of A Superconducting Anharmonic Oscillator. Physical Review Letters, 110, Pp. 100404. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.100404.
David Shwa, Cohen, Raphael D, Retzker, Alex , and Katz, Nadav . 2013. Heralded Generation Of Bell States Using Atomic Ensembles. Physical Review A, 88, Pp. 063844. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.88.063844.
Or Katz, Dikopoltsev, Mark , Peleg, Or , Shuker, Moshe , Steinhauer, Jeff , and Katz, Nadav . 2013. Nonlinear Elimination Of Spin-Exchange Relaxation Of High Magnetic Moments. Physical Review Letters, 110, Pp. 263004. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.263004.
Bethany Little, Starling, David J, Howell, John C. , Cohen, Raphael D, Shwa, David , and Katz, Nadav . 2013. Rapidly Reconfigurable Optically Induced Photonic Crystals In Hot Rubidium Vapor. Physical Review A, 87, Pp. 043815. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.87.043815.
David Shwa, Shtranvasser, Evgeny , Shalibo, Yoni , and Katz, Nadav . 2012. Controllable Motion Of Optical Vortex Arrays Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. Optics Express, 20, Pp. 24835-24842. doi:10.1364/OE.20.024835.
Eran Katzir, Yochelis, Shira , Zeides, Felix , Katz, Nadav , Kalcheim, Yaov , Millo, Oded , Leitus, Gregory , Myasodeyov, Yuri , Shapiro, Boris Ya, Naaman, Ron , and Paltiel, Yossi . 2012. Increased Superconducting Transition Temperature Of A Niobium Thin Film Proximity Coupled To Gold Nanoparticles Using Linking Organic Molecules. Physical Review Letters, 108, Pp. 107004. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.107004.
Jianming Cai, Jelezko, Fedor , Katz, Nadav , Retzker, Alex , and Plenio, Martin B. 2012. Long-Lived Driven Solid-State Quantum Memory. New Journal Of Physics, 14, Pp. 093030. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/14/9/093030.
Yoni Shalibo, Rofe, Ya'ara , Barth, Ido , Friedland, Lazar , Bialczack, Radoslaw , Martinis, John M, and Katz, Nadav . 2012. Quantum And Classical Chirps In An Anharmonic Oscillator. Physical Review Letters, 108, Pp. 037701. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.037701.
Vitaly Lerner, Shwa, David , Drori, Yehonathan , and Katz, Nadav . 2012. Shaping Laguerre-Gaussian Laser Modes With Binary Gratings Using A Digital Micromirror Device. Optics Letters, 37, Pp. 4826-4828. doi:10.1364/OL.37.004826.
Jeffrey S Kline, Vissers, Michael R, da Silva, Fabio CS, Wisbey, David S, Weides, Martin , Weir, Terence J, Turek, Benjamin , Braje, Danielle A, Oliver, William D, Shalibo, Yoni , Katz, Nadav , Johnson, Blake R, Ohki, Thomas A, and Pappas, David P. 2012. Sub-Micrometer Epitaxial Josephson Junctions For Quantum Circuits. Superconductor Science & Technology, 25, Pp. 025005. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/25/2/025005.
Avraham Klein and Katz, Nadav . 2011. Strong Coupling Optimization With Planar Spiral Resonators. Current Applied Physics, 11, Pp. 1188-1191. doi:10.1016/j.cap.2011.02.017.
Yoni Shalibo, Rofe, Ya'ara , Shwa, David , Zeides, Felix , Neeley, Matthew , Martinis, John M, and Katz, Nadav . 2010. Lifetime And Coherence Of Two-Level Defects In A Josephson Junction. Physical Review Letters, 105, Pp. 177001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.177001.
Nadav Katz and Agam, Oded . 2010. Parametrically Excited `Scars' In Bose-Einstein Condensates. New Journal Of Physics, 12, Pp. 073020. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/7/073020.
Erik Lucero, Hofheinz, M. , Ansmann, M. , Bialczak, Radoslaw C, Katz, N. , Neeley, Matthew , O'Connell, A. D, Wang, H. , Cleland, A. N, and Martinis, John M. 2008. High-Fidelity Gates In A Single Josephson Qubit. Physical Review Letters, 100, Pp. 247001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.247001.
Aaron D O'Connell, Ansmann, M. , Bialczak, R. C, Hofheinz, M. , Katz, N. , Lucero, Erik , McKenney, C. , Neeley, M. , Wang, H. , Weig, E. M, Cleland, A. N, and Martinis, J. M. 2008. Microwave Dielectric Loss At Single Photon Energies And Millikelvin Temperatures. Applied Physics Letters, 92, Pp. 112903. doi:10.1063/1.2898887.
Matthew Neeley, Ansmann, M. , Bialczak, Radoslaw C, Hofheinz, M. , Katz, N. , Lucero, Erik , O'Connell, A. , Wang, H. , Cleland, A. N, and Martinis, John M. 2008. Process Tomography Of Quantum Memory In A Josephson-Phase Qubit Coupled To A Two-Level State. Nature Physics, 4, Pp. 523-526. doi:10.1038/nphys972.
Nadav Katz, Neeley, Matthew , Ansmann, M. , Bialczak, Radoslaw C, Hofheinz, M. , Lucero, Erik , O'Connell, A. , Wang, H. , Cleland, A. N, Martinis, John M, and Korotkov, Alexander N. 2008. Reversal Of The Weak Measurement Of A Quantum State In A Superconducting Phase Qubit. Physical Review Letters, 101, Pp. 200401. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.200401.
Matthew Neeley, Ansmann, M. , Bialczak, Radoslaw C, Hofheinz, M. , Katz, N. , Lucero, Erik , O'Connell, A. , Wang, H. , Cleland, A. N, and Martinis, John M. 2008. Transformed Dissipation In Superconducting Quantum Circuits. Physical Review B, 77, Pp. 180508. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.180508.