
Guy Pardo, Greenberg, Tomer , Fortinsky, Aryeh , Katz, Nadav , and Racah, Erez Zohar. 2023. Resource-Efficient Quantum Simulation Of Lattice Gauge Theories In Arbitrary Dimensions: Solving For Gauss's Law And Fermion Elimination. Physical Review Research, 5, Pp. 023077. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.023077.
Samuel Goldstein, Pardo, Guy , Kirsh, Naftali , Gaiser, Niklas , Padurariu, Ciprian , Kubala, Bjoern , Ankerhold, Joachim , and Katz, Nadav . 2022. Compact Itinerant Microwave Photonics With Superconducting High-Kinetic Inductance Microstrips. New Journal Of Physics, 24, Pp. 023022. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ac45cc.
Efraim Yehuda Weissman, Merzel, Avraham , Katz, Nadav , and Galili, Igal . 2022. Phenomena And Principles: Presenting Quantum Physics In A High School Curriculum. Physics, 4, Pp. 1299-1317. doi:10.3390/physics4040083.
Joshoua Condicion Esmenda, Aguila, Myrron Albert Cal, Wang, Jyh-Yang , Lee, Teik-Hui , Yang, Chi-Yuan , Lin, Kung-Hsuan , Chang-Liao, Kuei-Shu , Katz, Nadav , Kafanov, Sergey , Pashkin, Yuri A, and Chen, Chii-Dong . 2021. Imaging Off-Resonance Nanomechanical Motion As Modal Superposition. Advanced Science, 8, Pp. 2005041. doi:10.1002/advs.202005041.
Naftali Kirsh, Svetitsky, Elisha , Goldstein, Samuel , Pardo, Guy , Hachmo, Ori , and Katz, Nadav . 2021. Linear And Nonlinear Properties Of A Compact High-Kinetic-Inductance Wsi Multimode Resonator. Physical Review Applied, 16, Pp. 044017. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.044017.
Samuel Goldstein, Kirsh, Naftali , Svetitsky, Elisha , Zamir, Yuval , Hachmo, Ori , de Oliveira, Clovis Eduardo Ma, and Katz, Nadav . 2020. Four Wave-Mixing In A Microstrip Kinetic Inductance Travelling Wave Parametric Amplifier. Applied Physics Letters, 116. doi:10.1063/5.0004236.
Elisha Svetitsky and Katz, Nadav . 2019. Dirac Particle Dynamics Of A Superconducting Circuit. Physical Review A, 99, Pp. 042308. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.99.042308.
M. I Tsindlekht, Genkin, V. M, Felner, I. , Zeides, F. , Katz, N. , Gazi, S. , Chromik, S. , Kolacek, J. , and Marysko, M. . 2018. Magnetic Flux Penetration Into Finite Length Thin-Walled Niobium Cylinders. Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications, 545, Pp. 10-13. doi:10.1016/j.physc.2017.10.014.
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Samuel Goldstein, Korenblit, Simcha , Bendor, Ydan , You, Hao , Geller, Michael R, and Katz, Nadav . 2017. Decoherence And Interferometric Sensitivity Of Boson Sampling In Superconducting Resonator Networks. Physical Review B, 95, Pp. 020502. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.95.020502.
Yoav Kalcheim, Katzir, Eran , Zeides, Felix , Katz, Nadav , Paltiel, Yossi , and Millo, Oded . 2017. Dynamic Control Of The Vortex Pinning Potential In A Superconductor Using Current Injection Through Nanoscale Patterns. Nano Letters, 17, Pp. 2934-2939. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b00179.
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Naftali Kirsh, Svetitsky, Elisha , Burin, Alexander L, Schechter, Moshe , and Katz, Nadav . 2017. Revealing The Nonlinear Response Of A Tunneling Two-Level System Ensemble Using Coupled Modes. Physical Review Materials, 1, Pp. 012601. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.1.012601.
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M. I Tsindlekht, Genkin, V. M, Felner, I. , Zeides, F. , Katz, N. , Gazi, S. , and Chromik, S. . 2016. Giant Flux Jumps Through A Thin Superconducting Nb Film In A Vortex Free Region. Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications, 529, Pp. 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.physc.2016.08.005.
H. Alpern, Katzir, E. , Yochelis, S. , Katz, N. , Paltiel, Y. , and Millo, O. . 2016. Unconventional Superconductivity Induced In Nb Films By Adsorbed Chiral Molecules. New Journal Of Physics, 18, Pp. 113048. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/18/11/113048.
Daniel M Reich, Katz, Nadav , and Koch, Christiane P. 2015. Exploiting Non-Markovianity For Quantum Control. Scientific Reports, 5, Pp. 12430. doi:10.1038/srep12430.
David A Herrera-Marti, Gefen, Tuvia , Aharonov, Dorit , Katz, Nadav , and Retzker, Alex . 2015. Quantum Error-Correction-Enhanced Magnetometer Overcoming The Limit Imposed By Relaxation. Physical Review Letters, 115, Pp. 200501. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.200501.
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Elisha Svetitsky, Suchowski, Haim , Resh, Roy , Shalibo, Yoni , Martinis, John M, and Katz, Nadav . 2014. Hidden Two-Qubit Dynamics Of A Four-Level Josephson Circuit. Nature Communications, 5, Pp. 5617. doi:10.1038/ncomms6617.